Plunder of my Sanctuary

My urban forest and bird sanctuary were vandalised and plundered again. It was a malicious attack by a ‘team’ (gang) employed by my hostile sister Shireen Senewiratne and led by a psychopath by the name of Michael Cassimaty. In addition, I was hospitalised for 10 days after my property was poisoned. I have photos, documents and video evidence of the culprits and crimes.

Prelude to the Poisoning and Plunder

My sister Shireen sent me this letter in 2021. Her lawyer Fiona Kennedy, owner and principal of the law firm Delaney and Delaney, has illegally retained the title deeds of my property at which I established the Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB) back in 2008 when my mother and I bought 76 Fegen Drive, Moorooka. This was despite the opposition of my hostile father Brian Senewiratne. The HUB and HUN (Holistic University Network) are online education businesses.

I also established Black Diamond Industries (BDI), Purple Dolphin Technologies (PDT), Dr Romesh’s Bird Sanctuary (DRBS), Cosmopolitan Green Ecology (CGE) and other Golden Ant Enterprises (GAE) over the next few years. That is why I use a lot of water. By the way, I did not have an agreement with my mother as my sister claimed. My mother agreed to pay me $500/month for promoting her art on line. She also wrote to the Brisbane City Council (BCC) that she intended to transfer the deeds to me back in 2016, but my sister talked her out of it. My mother also promised me $100,000 of the money she got for the sale of 3 acres of valuable land at 292 Pine Mountain Road, Carina Heights, but my greedy sister got our to open a joint account with her and stole it all.

Video I made in 2009 of my mother’s art using my own original music
Phone message to my abusive sister Shireen Senewiratne in response to her threatening note
Phone message to my abusive sister Shireen Senewiratne


Message to my sister Shireen about crimes by our father Brian Senewiratne & the LTTE (Tamil Tigers)

First visit by the thug Michael Cassimaty

This rude, arrogant criminal, now employed by my sister, has previously done ‘jobs’ for both our father Brian Senewiratne and his mistress Joyce Achong. He is evidently criminally insane.

Vandalism and Plunder on 19 and 20 September

After saying ‘Don’t f’*ing film me cu*t’ the thug who brought the skip bin punched me, kicked me and tried to smash my camera

I called 000 after I was assaulted but the cops took Cassimaty’s side:

The Moorooka police station sent officers Michael Walters and Steve Green who took the side of crooked Cassimaty
My sister wrote that her team included security guards from DCA Security to ‘keep the job safe. They actually worked for DSA Security and would not disclose their surnames as is required by law. I found out the skinny ‘boss’ of the duo is Daniel McNeven. The obese, bearded thug named James admitted his father worked the American weapons manufacturer Raytheon.
The cops sided with my sister and her gang of theives. The tattooed, bearded cop is South African.
As you can see, they treated me with utter contempt. They also cut down and killed more than 10 healthy, young Royal Poinciana trees out of pure malice in addition to stealing bamboo, monsterias, ferns, cacti, daisies and honeysuckle as well as flower pots and wood.
I also have video evidence of Cassimaty conferring with my hostile bigoted neighbours at 74 and 78 Fegen Drive. These people have got me locked up numerous times by making false, malicious reports about me, as you can see from this publication:
Evidence against Jeffrey Mitchell Miller and Colin Griffiths
My sister claimed her team would include two ‘gardeners’. I asked this man who ravaged my garden with a chain saw and whipper-snipper if he was a gardener and he admitted he wasn’t one. He also disbelieved the extinction crisis, climate change and loss of biodiversity.

I heard this guy say, “You could make a Vietnam war movie here.”
And they returned the next day and again in November.

GondTech – Another Golden Ant Enterprise

Golden Ant Enterprises (GAE) has been busy on many fronts!


Wise Owl Learning (WOL) logo
BDA Genome Analysis logo – design by Dr. Rom Chakravarti
Leaf Analysis disc for spectrophotometry
Gondwana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) studio 1

Dr. Rom’s Truth Machine (DRTM) from Purple Dolphin Technologies (PDT)
GAE on Google Maps
HUB Art Gallery sign
Gondwana Geo Engineering (GGE) plan by Dr. Rom Chakravarti
Cosmopolitan Green Ecology (CGE)


Magic Seeds from the Million-dollar Boomerang Tree (photo by Rom Chakravarti)
The Million-dollar Boomerang Tree in flower
HUN HQ entrance

Manorina melanocephala (‘Noisy miner’) sketch by Rom Chakravarti
HUB Art Gallery and Studios (photo and art by Rom Chakravarti)

New ventures by GAE

Golden Ant Enterprises (GAE) has been busy!

Our new ventures and the technologies we have invented are game-changing, indeed revolutionary.

These inventions include Green Technologies and a number of scientific discoveries in the fields of quantum physics, nanotechnology, atomic science, chemistry, ophthalmology and optics, audiology and audio engineering, geoengineering, integrative science, biology, ecology, neuroscience, blockchain, communications, linguistics, coding and fact checking.

Our 10-year ecology prototype at the Holistic University Network HQ in Moorooka has proved to be a resounding success.

Details will soon be published on the Cosmopolitan Green Ecology (CGE) Facebook page, accessible by a Google Search on ‘@CosmopolitanGreen’.

Eugenics and Modern Psychiatry

opening chapter



                                      Chapter 1


When the first large asylum was built in Australia, at Tarban Creek in New South Wales, the Superintendent made a requisition that hints at the treatment the inmates were to receive when the “lunatic asylum” opened:

“63 iron bedsteads, six chairs for violent cases, 16 cribs of wood for dirty cases, 12 pairs of leather hobbles of various sizes for males and females, 12 hard belts of strong leather and iron cuffs attached to them with straps, 12 cuffs and belts for the hands in less violent [cases]” (Dax, 1975)

The Tarban Creek Asylum was opened in 1838, and it accepted patients from Victoria who were transported there by ship from Melbourne. The state of Victoria had not yet been founded, and the area was still administered by the British colonists from New South Wales. Prior to this a smaller asylum had been opened in 1811 in New South Wales, before which the insane were kept in jails. The close connection between the prisons system and the psychiatric system has persisted to the present.

The next asylum was built in Tasmania (Van Dieman’s Land) which was then a prison colony along with Norfolk Island, to the east of Tasmania. This occurred in 1829 and was followed by an additional larger asylum at Port Arthur in 1842. The Australian psychiatrist Professor Eric Cunningham Dax wrote of Port Arthur in A World History of Psychiatry (1975):

“In 1842 an asylum was opened at Port Arthur. There were four dormitories, a central hall, 24 cells, and a padded room. One patient spent long hours in a cage. Port Arthur then had an evil reputation, and Britain, in a wave of belated guilt, ordered the penal settlement to be abandoned, so that by 1879 only 64 prisoners, 126 paupers (presumably housed in the invalid block), and 69 lunatics remained. They were called “imperial lunatics”!

“Another matter of psychiatric interest at Port Arthur was an adjacent establishment at Point Puer which contained up to 730 delinquent boys, mostly aged 9 to 18. Some were transported for trivial offences. It appears that Governor Arthur made a real attempt to educate and train them as stonemasons, sawyers, and in other trades.” (p.707)

The training and retraining of young people was one of the many agendas of psychiatrists and mental hygienists, but they had to compete for the minds of the young with the Churches, which had a longer history of both teaching children and looking after the poor and disadvantaged. It was the Anglican Church and the Roman Catholic Church in Australia that controlled most of the primary and high school education in these areas in Australian schools, but this was to change, according to the plans of the mental hygiene movement and medical profession.

One way in which the psychiatric profession formed an unholy alliance with the Anglican and Catholic Churches, was by providing the initial incarceration, enforcement of ‘compliance’ (obedience) and drug treatment of young people and collaborating with Church organizations in their subsequent training in menial occupations, whilst providing on-going supervision and enforcement of drug treatment. Cunningham Dax refers to such programs  in From Asylum to Community, and continued developments of this alliance are evident in an examination of today’s youth-training programs and psychiatric treatment and followup programs. Dax wrote, of the then new system in the late 1950s:

“Prior to 1954 there were no full-time chaplains within the mental hospitals. Since that time the Anglican Church have appointed five and the Presbyterians one, and it is hoped that three other full-time chaplains from the Catholic and the Methodist churches and another Anglican will be engaged before long. They are jointly appointed by the Church and the Mental Hygiene Department. There is a chaplains’ advisory committee which discusses the terms and the conditions of appointment, and the training. Opportunities are available for the chaplains of the various denominations to discuss their work together and a series of successful seminars have been held which have extended from a single day up to a full residential week. Three Anglican chaplains have been abroad for training.” (p.34)

Dax does not say which countries the chaplains were trained in but it was undoubtedly Britain or America. Dax, who was born in Britain and graduated in medicine at the University of London in 1935, is Anglocentric in his perspective, and, along with common medical views of British and British trained psychiatrists had fundamental belief in “physical treatments” and drug treatment over “talk therapies” and psychotherapy of a more gentle nature. This has been a feature of Australian psychiatry since the time of Cunningham Dax, especially in the public hospital system, where the only treatment is drugs and electric shocks. Psychotherapy is generally held “to not work for serious mental illness”, and “psychoanalysis”, by which is usually meant Freudian analysis, is suspected (with good reason) to confuse the psychotic further. Dax does not mention psychoanalysis, or Freud, and makes only passing references to psychotherapy, which he says the psychologists employed by the Mental Hygiene Authority and public hospitals were actively discouraged from doing. He writes:

“Neither the psychologists nor the social workers are encouraged to do psychotherapy as it is felt that they are more usefully used in their own special fields. On the other hand, it is hoped to extend the group activities for both these associates within their own specialties” (p.34)

In territorial fashion he defines what he sees the role of psychologists to be in this new empire controlled and dominated by psychiatrists:

“Nine years ago there was an establishment of seven psychologists; now there are nineteen. They have not as yet been widely used in the mental hospitals, but more within the clinics and particularly in those for children. The ways in which they have been occupied within the Department are therefore as follows:

Intellectual Deficiency Here the psychologists are particularly concerned with assessing the intellectual abilities of the patient and his capacity for development. They give remedial teaching, so the child may develop to the maximum of his ability. They supervise the patients’ activities so as to direct them towards gaining a therapeutic benefit. They are able to guide the patients into appropriate occupations or activities towards training them to live in the community.

Children  In child guidance clinics some of the psychologists are used for play therapy or counselling, but the practice varies. Intellectual and vocational testing, educational assessment and advice on overcoming difficulties, and remedial educational therapy are regarded as some of the psychologist’s functions in this field. They do valuable work in the instruction of the staffs of institutions for adolescents and children, especially through group activities. Also they usefully undertake the management of parents; group discussions for remedial training.

Adults  In this field the psychologists undertake the intelligence, educational, vocational and projective testing, and they direct the junction with the occupational therapists. They can set out patients’ records in such a way that they will supply the needed data for statistical records. Similarly they can prepare and plan controlled psychiatric experiments in a way capable of statistical analysis.

Research They carry out research into the various aspects of human behaviour and the best means by which patients, in all the psychiatric fields can be taught fully to use their abilities and skills.” (p.34)

As far as spiritual needs of his patients, and of the Australian population generally, Dax assumes that the Church can provide this:

“Chaplain’s functions within the hospitals relate to the patients’ spiritual needs and welfare and to their way of life, and therefore the duties of the chaplain may be defined as follows:   

To see whether each patient admitted wants, or is likely to want, his spiritual help, and always to be available at a definite time for patients to visit him.

To arrange for prayers, services and religious observance for the patients of his own denomination.

To supervise the care of the hospital chapel.

To co-operate with the chaplains of the other denominations for the welfare of the patients.

To act as educational officer in the hospital and so to interest himself in such items as the library, debates, drama, English lessons, recreations, current affair discussions, choral societies, music, and the patients’ magazine.

To be available to see patients’ relatives and to communicate, as needs be, with their clergy.

To participate with the other medical associates in the treatment, resocialization and rehabilitation of the patients.

To further the understanding between the mental hospitals and the general public by interpreting the hospitals’ functions to the community” (p.35)

In other words, the mental hygiene movement seconded the Christian Churches, starting with the Anglican Church, as public relations agents for the treatments, diagnoses and propaganda provided by the psychiatric profession, which controlled the “mental hospitals”, despite the fact that what they were doing and teaching were the very antithesis of what Jesus of Nazareth did and taught. They also seconded the psychology profession, which competes with the psychiatry profession, to implement psychiatrist-designed treatment programs, administer psychiatrist-approved “intelligence tests” and “personality tests” for psychiatric diagnoses made by the psychiatrists (not the psychologists), and process statistics which could be used by the medical and psychiatric profession, and, it turns out, the pharmaceutical industry.

The care of intellectually deficient children was already a self-appointed responsibility of the Christian Churches in Australia, and the conditions in which these children were kept from the earliest days of British colonization is a national disgrace. Although Dax does not write about mistreatment of psychiatric patients during his own years of office, his description of the conditions at the Kew Cottages in the 1950s gives some indication of how unwanted children were treated in Melbourne:

“There were open drains, children caught worms by drinking the water, there was little storage accomodation, the paint was drab and peeling. The children’s clothing was awful; the small boys had unlaced boots, long moleskin trousers turned up at the bottom, adult football jerseys which had been given to the cottages by a football club with old army jackets on top and whatever hats they could collect. They were dirty and had very little washing accomodation indeed. Many played in a shed during the day in a half-nude state, there was a battery of lavatories with eight or ten adjoining seats but there was no way of swilling the excreta out of the trough except by walking thirty yards for water. They passed urine into the open drains. The patients ate from tins with their fingers, slept on straw mattresses and the place smelt of stale food and excreta and unsatisfactory drainage.” (p.125)

Although there were improvements in the cosmetic appearance of many of the metropolitan institutions in the 1950s, 60s, 70s and 80s, the abusive treatment of young people in Australia, including forced labour, separation from families, and arbitrary punishment were to continue under the joint supervision of the Mental Hygiene/Health Authority (and its successors) and Church Organizations, later accompanied by bigger and bigger doses and combinations of crippling drugs. Dax explains:

“The intellectual deficiency colonies are partly under the care of the Mental Hygiene Authority and partly of several voluntary organizations. One of the latter is really a day-centre, organized on a residential basis because it is in the middle of a sparsely populated district, where the pupils cannot come by transport each day, in other ways it is similar to the retarded children’s day-centres. There are eighteen boarders there who go home for holidays and frequently for weekends. A few day-children are taken. The other two voluntary residential colonies are run by the Catholic Church. Marillac House for retarded children from 6 to 16 was opened in 1943 by the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul. In 1961, there were ninety-six girls, of a higher intellectual level than the children in the retarded children’s centres and mostly of about special school standard.

“The Brothers of St John of God opened an institution in New South Wales in 1947 for the training of intellectually handicapped boys, and another in 1953 in Victoria. The children in the main training centre are at the special school level, but a lodge adjoining was later opened for those who were no more than the day-centre level. In 1957 they opened a farm colony and there are now 95 boys in the residential unit, and 40 in the farm colony.” (p.124)

The Church directly sold out to the corporate interests of the chemical industry and psychiatric profession by selling Churches for conversion into psychiatric treatment centres, where the treatments were inevitably chemicals, combined, at times, with surgical mutilation and electric shocks, physical restraint and solitary confinement, forced labour and brainwashing. Dax writes:

“The Clarendon Clinic [in East Melbourne] was formed by redesigning a church, its vestry, a church hall and an adjacent house. The body of the church has been converted into a therapeutic workshop and the vestry into four consulting rooms. The church hall has been made into a cloak-room, sitting- and dining-room, and a hall for the rooms, offices and staff rooms and a female toilet block.

“The clinic was designed to supply the needs of those patients who had been many years in hospital, had been rehabilitated there by the new methods used, and were now fit for community care. However many of them were unable to earn a living at first or to find accomodation except by the use, at least on a temporary basis, of one of the departmental hostels. Moreover, many of them still needed some medical care, and were therefore followed up by their own medical staff who could visit the Clarendon Clinic to see them.”

The “new methods used” are inadequately described by Dax, but included insulin comas, chemical shock using cardiazol, injected and ingested tranquillisers, electric shocks (an older treatment) and brain mutilation by “psychosurgery”. He explains of the upgrading of “Larundel receiving house” into a major treatment centre, which it remains today:

“Larundel has a residential early-treatment unit and a short-term rehabilitation hospital attached. At Mont Park [the adjoining hospital] there is a longer term treatment hospital with a long-term rehabilitation hospital attached; this has a subdivision consisting of the general, medical and the surgical services and the neurosurgical unit, together with a geriatric hospital. Opposite to Larundel is a repatriation hospital for psychiatric cases attributable to war service. Within two miles is the old private hospital which is being used for geriatric patients but which may be converted later into a short-term alcoholism treatment centre” (p.177)

As they plotted to convert a general hospital for the elderly to an “alcoholism treatment centre”, the Mental Hygiene Authority and associated hospitals explored new treatments for their captives and converts with the aid of the then new “Mental Health Research Institute” in Parkville, Melbourne. Dax writes:

“In 1954 the Chief Clinical Officer, Dr Alan Stoller, was appointed, but much of his time in that year was spent in an Australia-wide survey of mental health needs and facilities, so he did not take up his position until 1955. Shortly after this the Mental Health Research Institute was built and officially opened by the late Sir Ian Clunies-Ross.       

“In 1955 a Mental Health Research Fund was founded consisting of an annual grant by the Victorian government to the University of Melbourne…Within the first year the University Department of Anatomy was able to demonstrate its work on the neuro-anatomical basis of emotion and growth on mongoloid children. The Departments of Physiology and Pharmacology were working on cerebral sedatives and analeptics while the Department of Pathology was doing research on cerebral arteriosclerosis.

“By the beginning of 1956 the Mental Health Research Institute was able to give demonstrations of the work proceeding in the Department on the incidence of schizophrenia, Huntington’s Chorea, juvenile delinquency, the clinical effects of tranquilizing drugs, electro-encephalographic studies of brain-damaged children and the results of infero-medial leucotomy [psychosurgery]. Studies had also been made on the treatment of excitement with lithium and its effects were being tried out at several hospitals.” (p.139)

The passage above reveals the connection between the mental hygiene movement, the University of Melbourne, the Mental Health Research Institute in Parkville and the public hospitals, including Royal Park Hospital, also in Parkville. In all these institutions the main focus was on drug treatments, although Dax was also enthusiastic about brain surgery for the treatment of psychological problems. At Royal Park Hospital, Larundel and other psychiatric hospitals electric shocks to the brain were also used for various conditions, the names of which have been changed over the past forty years. Electric shocks to the brain, usually called ECT in Australia, are used against people’s wishes in dozens of hospitals in Australia, today. The use of electrical shocks in Australia dates back to the 19th century, and it has been an unchanging feature of Australian psychiatry over the past century, although the “discovery” of ECT is usually attributed to Cerletti in Italy in the 1940s. Such is the nature of psychiatric diagnosis and treatment terminology as well as history: it is subject to frequent changes. Thus electric shocks to the brain have been called “electroconvulsive therapy” or ECT, “shock treatment”, “electroshock”, “electroplexy” and “electro-therapy”. The same class of drugs have been called “analeptics”, “neuroleptics”, “anti-psychotics”, “major tranquillisers” and “psychotropics”. The use of lithium was experimented with, in Dax’s terminology, for “excitement” (a suspect indication, indeed), but now it is used for “mania” and “bipolar affective disorder”. Previously “bipolar affective disorder” (BAD) was called “manic depression”.

Lithium was first used on psychiatric patients by the then 39 year old superintendent of Bundoora repatriation hospital in Victoria, Dr John Cade. This occurred in the 1940s, and since then the Victorian and Australian psychiatric hospitals have been avid dispensers of lithium, often referred to as a “mood stabiliser”. Although it may indeed prevent fluctuations in mood, the ingestion of lithium is accompanied by a range of unpleasant and dangerous side-effects and is extremely toxic in overdose. Lithium is toxic to the kidneys and thyroid in particular, and, since the toxicity margin is recognised to be low, regular blood tests to check lithium levels (also used to check compliance with drug-taking) are necessary if this drug is prescribed, as it often is done in Australia. It also dulls emotional reactions generally and produces a range of unpleasant mental side-effects in many who are forced to take the drug under threat of incarceration if they “fail to comply” with treatment.

The medical education system in Australia has, since its inception, like the military, been rigidly hierarchical, with professors at the top and medical students at the bottom, and the ladder is climbed by the acquisition of degrees and publications, together with less easily identified factors, which come into operation in the mysterious “upper echelons” of the academic world, an area where global politics plays a greater role than most people realise.

The Mental Health Research Institute in Parkville, Melbourne is Victoria’s biggest psychiatry research institution and is affiliated with the University of Melbourne, the city’s oldest university. The Institute was initially set up at Royal Park psychiatric hospital in the 1950s, shortly after, as was revealed in the press recently, several Nazi ‘scientists’ were smuggled into Melbourne.

The previous director of Royal Park Hospital, the psychiatrist Norman James, was, after the closure of the notorious hospital, appointed Chief Psychiatrist of Victoria during the autocratic reign of Premier Jeff Kennett (who, after being voted out of office assumed the lucrative job of CEO of ‘Beyond Blue’, part of the Federal Government’s ‘depression initiative’, which will be examined later). James wrote the opening chapter in the undergraduate textbook Foundations of Clinical Psychiatry (1994) titled “A Historical Context”.

In it he wrote:

“It was in the asylums that the first widely available and effective biological treatments were developed. Freud himself trained in neurology and recognised that the severely mentally ill required organic forms of treatment. The discovery of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) by Cerletti and Bini who worked in a mental hospital in Rome in 1938 led to a simple and readily applied treatment for those who suffered from severe depressive illness and related disorders. Despite the advent of World War II, ECT was rapidly adopted as a treatment internationally.

“The discovery of lithium in 1949 as a treatment for mania and as a prophylaxis for bipolar disorder (manic depression) was made by Dr John Cade, a distinguished Australian Psychiatrist. This was soon followed by the development of major tranquillisers, the neuroleptics, by Delay and Deniker in Paris in 1952, although the initial idea of their application in psychiatry occurred in a general hospital when it was noted that they were effective tranquillisers for patients undergoing surgery. Shortly after this Nathan Kline made the discovery that a drug being tested for its effect in tuberculous patients had an antidepressant action and thus the first specific antidepressants were discovered, again in a large mental hospital and this time in Orangeburg, New York”.

Professor Edward Shorter, in A History of Psychiatry (1997) gives more details of John Cade’s less than exacting methodology in his rapturous description of the “medical discovery” of lithium:

“The story began in 1949 with John Cade, the 37-year-old superintendent of the Repatriation Mental Hospital in Bundoora, Australia [Victoria]. Cade, like Neil Macleod in late-nineteenth-century Shanghai, had not lost his scientific curiosity despite his provincial isolation. He was determined to see if the cause of mania was some toxic product manufactured by the body itself, analogous to thyrotoxicosis from the thyroid. Not having any idea what, exactly, he might be searching for, he began taking urine from his manic patients and, in a disused hospital kitchen, injecting it into the bellies of guinea pigs. Sure enough, the guinea pigs died, as they did when injected with the urine of controls. Cade began investigating the various components of urine – urea, uric acid and so forth – and realized that to make urine soluble for purposes of injection he would have to mix it with lithium, an element that had been used medically since the nineteenth century (in the mistaken belief that it could serve as a solvent of uric acid in the treatment of gout).

“Then Cade, on a whim, tried injecting the guinea pigs with lithium alone, just to see what would happen. The guinea pigs became very lethargic. “Those who have experimented with guinea pigs”, he wrote, “know to what degree a ready startle reaction is part of their makeup. It was thus even more startling to the experimenter that after the injection of a solution of lithium carbonate they could be turned on their backs and that, instead of their usual frantic righting reflex behavior, they merely lay there and gazed placidly back at him.”

“Cade had stumbled into a discovery of staggering importance, yet he was able to develop it only because of his resoluteness in taking the next step. He decided to inject manic patients with lithium… he injected 10 of his manic patients, 6 schizophrenics, and 3 chronic psychotic depressives. The lithium produced no impact on the depressed patients; it calmed somewhat the restlessness of the schizophrenics. But its effect on the manic patients was flamboyant: All ten of them improved, though several discontinued the medication and were still in hospital at the time Cade wrote his article late in 1949. Five were discharged well, though on maintenance doses of lithium.” (p.256)

No mention is made in this book, or in Professor James’ account, of the toxicity and risks associated with swallowing (or injecting lithium), which are, in particular damage to the kidneys and thyroid. So dangerous is this drug, that regular blood tests must be done to guard against acute and chronic toxicity. According to the MIMS Annual (1993), its “adverse reactions”, better described as “dangers and toxicity”, are briefly described as follows:

“Administration of lithium carbonate may precipitate goitre requiring treatment with thyroxine, but this regresses when treatment is discontinued. The ECG [electrocardiograph] may show flattening of the T wave. Hypercalcaemia, hypermagnesaemia, weight gain and oedema may occur, and skin conditions may be aggravated. The toxic symptoms are referable to the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system. These must be known by the patient and his or her nurses and relatives. Those referable to the gastrointestinal tract are anorexia, nausea, vomiting, severe abdominal discomfort and diarrhoea. Those referable to the central nervous system are lassitude, ataxia, slurred speech, tremor (marked) and agitation. If none of these are present, the patient is not intoxicated. Patients suffering from lithium toxicity look sick, pale, grey, drawn and asthenic. It is vital to bear in mind that lithium can be fatal, if prescribed or ingested in excess…At serum lithium levels above 2 to 3 mmol/L, increasing disorientation and loss of consciousness may be followed by seizures, coma and death.”

Heralding the “discovery” of lithium by Cade by a Victorian psychiatrist as a great moment in medical science, the Victorian medical establishment, including Professor Norman James, has long been insistent on the treatment of “manic” and even “hypomanic” people with lithium. This is despite the known risks and toxicity of the drug.

Lithium is said, by Australian psychiatrists, to “stabilise the mood”, and it is assumed that people who have had even brief episodes of “elevation” or “abnormal excitement” need long term mood stabilization with the drug. This includes single episodes of “hypomania”, which is described in the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM IV as follows:

“A Hypomanic Episode is defined as a distinct period during which there is an abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood that lasts for at least 4 days (Criterion A). This period of abnormal mood must be accompanied by at least three additional symptoms from a list that includes inflated self-esteem or grandiosity (nondelusional), decreased need for sleep, pressure of speech, flight of ideas, distractibility, increased involvement in goal-directed activities or psychomotor retardation, and excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences (Criterion B)”. (p.335)

As if it makes the diagnostic criteria “precise” and “specific”, the DSM adds that:

“If the mood is irritable rather than elevated or expansive [which are not further defined in the DSM IV], at least four of the above symptoms must be present.”

It is incredible that “increased goal directed activities” and “non-delusional increase in self-esteem” could be cited as evidence of mental illhealth rather than an indication of improved health. Furthermore DSM IV  adds that:

“The change in functioning for some individuals may take the form of a marked increase in efficiency, accomplishments or creativity.” (p.335)

It is strange that this mental state should be viewed as an “abnormal” one, but at least the American Psychiatric Association (unlike the Australian psychiatric establishment) does not advocate incarceration or forced drugging for “hypomania”. The reference manual says:

“In contrast to a Manic Episode, a Hypomanic Episode is not severe enough to cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning or to require hospitalization, and there are no psychotic features.”

The University of Melbourne’s Foundations of Clinical Psychiatry is not as clear in their distinction between “hypomania” and “mania” and “hypomania” has only two references to it, one relating to diagnosis and one relating to treatment. Under “Abnormal states of mood elevation” is written:

“Far less commonly [than depression], a persistent elevated mood occurs. Similarly, a continuum of severity if found with the mild states difficult to distinguish from normality. Moderate severity Hypomania, or severe state Mania, are obvious, the patient’s behaviour having serious consequences if treatment is not swiftly initiated. Most manic patients also experience depressive swings, and this condition is therefore referred to as Bipolar Mood Disorder.” (p129)

The recommended treatment is described under “management of elevated mood states”:

“The assessment and treatment of the patient suffering from acute hypomania or mania is essentially the management of the acutely psychotic patient. Organic conditions, including drug-induced states, need to be excluded. For reasons of safety, most patients need hospitalisation which, because of the lack of insight, may need to be recommended. The mainstay of pharmacotherapy are the neuroleptics, such as Haloperidol or Chlorpromazine. Although lithium carbonate is an effective antimanic agent at relatively high concentrations risks of toxicity discourage its use. Occasionally, for particularly severe cases, ECT is needed.” (p.144)

The drugs recommended for the treatment of “hypomania” and “mania” turn out to be the same ones recommended for “schizophrenia” and “ECT” is electroconvulsive treatment (shock treatment), which is used for “depression” as well as its “opposite”, “mania” and also for severe or “intractable” psychosis (including that supposedly due to “schizophrenia” or “schizoaffective disorder”). Unlike many other parts of the world, where ECT has been banned or seriously restricted, in Australia the use of electrical shocks has increased in recent years and is used more widely (in more centres and for more reasons). Most of the psychiatric hospitals in Australian cities give patients ECT, often against their will.

Involuntary ECT in the State of Victoria is said to be restricted to “emergency cases”, but it is left to the individual psychiatrist to define what constitutes an “emergency”. The systems of appeal open to the protesting patient are very limited. They can appeal to the Chief Psychiatrist, Norman James, who has the authority to stop the abusive use of drugs or ECT. It is most unlikely that he would, however. James, who was previously head of psychiatry at the Royal Park Hospital is a keen advocate of both ECT and the use of “neuroleptic drugs”. It is he who wrote the opening chapter of Foundations of Clinical Psychiatry. In it, he wrote an intriguing passage:

“The asylums inaugurated as a result of humanistic urges soon became grossly overcrowded, despite the fact that some were among the largest and most expensive buildings erected by the governments of the day. Numerous difficulties beset them. As a result of their isolation they became large, impersonal, human warehouses. Patients had few if any rights and were completely at the mercy of their carer – a largely untrained workforce from which has arisen the modern profession of psychiatric nursing. There was a total lack of any specific physical treatment for mental illness until the advent of ECT [so much for walking in gardens, music and warm baths]. Those who did improve did so largely by the passage of time and the happy advent of a spontaneous remission [not ‘recovery’]. These conditions led to a cycle of scandals, public inquiries, usually some temporary improvement and then a relapse into previous conditions or worse.” (p.9)

 It could be time for another public inquiry.

In psychiatric wards and Mental Health Review Board hearings the psychiatric patient is judged guilty unless proven innocent. Unfortunately innocence (of ‘mental illness’ or ‘personality disorder’) cannot actually be proved according to prevailing psychiatric theory which does not view humans in terms of “guilty” or “innocent”. All psychiatric patients are “officially innocent”, just “unfortunately inflicted with an (invisible) illness”. One which “unfortunately tends to run in families”. Thus entire families are stigmatised without laying blame on any individual. It is not the fault of the family or the individual to be afflicted with illness: it is “just one of those things”. Maybe genetics plays a role. That way individuals in the family can scan their relatives (and in-laws) for evidence of insanity.

As for the diagnosed patient, regardless of whether he or she is called a “mental patient”, “schizophrenic”, “nutcase”, “client” or “consumer” there is no escape from the judgement of “defective” and the accompanying stigma. Even if no evidence can be found at a particular time of mental illness, the patient can be accused of “masking” (hiding) their madness or be in remission.

Pathologisation of Normal Beliefs by the WHO

In 1995 the WHO (World Health Organization) published a series of 5 ‘manuals’ for the ‘management’ of ‘mental disorders’. This was shortly after the publication of the DSM4 by the American Psychiatric Association. The manual was authored by staff at St.Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney led by Professor Gavin Andrews. They were ‘underwritten’ by the New South Wales Institute of Psychiatry and strongly promote the use of drugs over psychological treatments.

Not by coincidence the manual promoting antidepressant drugs carried the logo of Pfizer while that promoting haloperidol and other dopamine-blocking drugs for the treatment of ‘schizophrenia’ carried the logo of the Belgian drug company Janssen-Cilag (which has since been acquired by Johnson & Johnson). These drug companies distributed the manuals free to doctors in Australia.

The manual on treatment of schizophrenia includes the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) which was developed by psychiatrists and psychologists at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).

What is described as “unusual thought content” and the recommended questions to “elicit” this “evidence” of “mental illness” are dubious, to say the least:

1. Have you been receiving any special messages from people or from the way things are arranged around you?

2. Have you seen any references to yourself on TV or in the newspapers?

3. Can anyone read your mind?

4. Do you have a special relationship with God?

5. Is anything like electricity, X-rays or radio waves affecting you?

6. Are thoughts put into your head that are not your own?

7. Have you felt that you were under the control of a another person or force?

The manual pathologises “unusual beliefs in psychic powers, spirits, UFOs or unrealistic beliefs in one’s own abilities”.

Conversation with Steve Griffiths (Moorooka councillor) about Wildlife Trafficking

Yesterday I had a call from the long-time councillor Steve Griffiths in response to my call a few days ago about plundering of native wildlife. Griffiths has a background in ‘special education’ and a degree in social work; he has been the boss of the ‘Moorooka Ward’ of the Brisbane City Council (BCC) since 2004. Before being elected to Council he worked for the euphemistically-named, abusive and corrupt Queensland ‘Mental Health’ system (as a social worker).

I have only met Griffiths once, back in 2013 when I sought his support for my innovative frog-breeding program that resulted in my being forcibly taken by Moorooka Police to the PA hospital and locked up on several occasions on the instigation of my hostile, racist neighbour Jeff Miller of 74 Fegen Drive. At this time, Griffiths was not interested in my frog-breeding program or bird sanctuary.

In 2015 I was locked up again after Miller made a false report to the police that I was “armed with what appeared to be a meat-cleaver” and “slashing at a tree”, which he claimed was to “intimidate him”. This was on my 55th birthday (22 September) after I had been visited by my mother Kamalini who owns the property. It later began evident that Miller had been colluding with my father Brian Senewiratne – they had each others’ numbers and spoke to each other, though neither spoke to me. From the police report, when I was maliciously charged with “going armed to cause fear” by Moorooka Police (naming Miller as the ‘victim’) it is evident that after I was locked up Miller and my father gave the police the home-made knife together though my father got my mother to sign the receipt.

The knife was not a ‘meat-cleaver’, I was not ‘slashing at a tree’ and was not trying to ‘intimidate’ Miller or anyone else. It was a small ornamental knife I had made from a broken shard of mirror with a handle made of paperbark (held together with PVA glue). It was a utilitarian work of art. I had tested it out by cutting a groove into the paperbark (Melaleuca) tree across the road and had not even seen Miller spying on me from his property. In his report to the police he stated that he knows I “dislike him with a passion” for reporting me on “a number of occasions” in relation to my “behaviour”. Because of this, according to his statement, he was afraid I would run across the road and stab him!

I first realised that Miller was a racist back in 2012. Back then there was only a half fence separating our front and back gardens. Miller had positioned a number of metal sculptures in his back garden facing mine. These were made from pipes he had acquired from work as a gas fitter, crudely welded to make figures. These were human figures and a dog.

One day he showed me his new creation. It was a small stout figure with one testicle. “I have called it One Hung Low” he told me. Heidi (his wife) and I had a good laugh about that one”.

I got the joke. “One Hung Low” is an old Australian joke at the expense of Chinese names. I told him I didn’t think it was funny.

Returning to 2015, Miller’s statement to the police said that he had been keeping a “hand-written diary” on me since 19 August (2015) and he could “produce it” for the police, which he did. This is how I found out about the role of Steve Griffiths and his father Colin who, in a blatant act of nepotism, has been employed by his son in his Moorooka office for many years (paid for by Brisbane rate-payers).

Miller’s statement to the police dated 22.9.2015 (the day I was abducted from my home and taken, naked and handcuffed to the PA hospital):

‘SENEWIRATNE has been a nuisance to my family and the community since mid 2012. By nuisance I mean, SENEWIRATNE has been abusive, intimidating and threatening towards me and my family”.

This was a blatant malicious lie. I had been very nice to the Miller family and even lent my saxophone and keyboard to their daughter Katie who was a musical prodigy on saxophone. She stopped playing soon after that. Miller made his children afraid of me, but I have always been nice to them. However I did complain to his wife Heidi about the false reports her husband had made about me. She reported this to the police claiming she was “intimidated”.

The “hand-written diary” Miller wrote begins with the date 26-8-15 with the number of Steve Griffith’s office: 3403 1730 under which is written:

“1) Call Col Regarding Romesh Spook [sic] to Susan. Said Col would Ring Back”

‘Col’ is Colin Griffiths, Steve Griffiths’s father.

“2) FRI [friday] 28-8-15

Call Col SAT [saturday] 10 am. What’s Happening

He called Mother [my mother Kamalini]

WED Night 26-8-15

1) LOUD ph call to Mother Late Arvo [afternoon]

2) 10-10-30 WED Night Abusive phone call to Sara

1) Mother Called Hosp [hospital] and Spoke To Case Worker. SaiD He was Released Last Week all OK – NO Follow Up. She Though There was a problem after her Phone call WED arvo (who would have thought)

Col called me back and Advised

SaiD he would Talk to another minister (Health)

Suggested Having a meeting with the Case Manager, mother etc

Col called Police on my behalf, $ 12-30 approx”

From these notes it appears that Colin Griffiths wanted to be paid 12 to 30 dollars for his “services”. At no stage did Colin or Steve Griffiths attempt to contact me themselves and verify the truth about what Miller was alleging. Neither did the police, the health minister (Lawrence Springborg) or the PA Hospital. They acted as if the false allegations were true.

I raised this matter with Steve Griffiths when he called me back yesterday and told him that Miller was racist and didn’t like Asians or dark-skinned people. His response was, “There is plenty of racism towards white people, believe me.” He also defended the actions of his father Colin and Jeff Miller. He claimed, against all evidence, that Miller was “genuinely concerned” about my mental health.

I also told him about the evidence I had of trafficking of native wildlife, including (but not exclusively) birds (especially parrots). At first he expressed doubts about this but I was able to provide evidence to support the allegation based on 10 years of observation including my most recent evidence (that I have posted on YouTube).

He then said he did not think there was much “council” could do about it and also said he did not think it was a responsibility of State Police (QPS) to investigate.

I am appalled.

Why Anup Joseph Should be Arrested

I have just read the latest ‘Clinical Report’ by the PA Hospital for the Mental Health Review Tribunal (MHRT). It was hand-delivered by the ‘case manager’ Nigel Lewin whom I first met in 2011 when he injected me at the Burke Street Clinic (the psychiatry outpatient clinic of the PA Hospital located next to the hospital). His job was then to inject patient after patient with depot antipsychotic drugs.

Lewin trained as a nurse in England, worked for the drug company AstraZeneca and is also the Chairman of L’Arche Brisbane. Lewin told me that the report was done by Anup Joseph, but like the last report it states that it was prepared by Lewin. I asked Lewin about this on camera last year and he said it wasn’t true and he didn’t write it. I asked him why the report said that he had. He answered that maybe the doctors didn’t want to put their names to it.I have repeatedly told Lewin as well as the “treating psychiatrists” that the report contains numerous false claims about me, my beliefs and behaviour and provided evidence of this. It also has important omissions that establish my sanity. However, they refuse to correct the misinformation, and it has been accepted as fact by a series of Mental Health Review Tribunals.

These claims include that in 2015 I showed “disorganisation” by building a moat filled with glass, a false claim by Moorooka Police, which had previously (in 2011) claimed that I was “elevated and dancing on glass”. Sounds mad! But completely untrue. I have photos and videos of the irrigation project and frog-breeding program that I have been doing (intermittently) since 2011. The hospital notes also described the small water channels I made (with a small spade) as “digging trenches” in my garden. This too was cited as evidence of mental illness.

The format of the Clinical Report has been changed since February 2020 when the MHRT supported Anup Joseph and Nigel Lewin’s recommendation to keep me on what is now (since 2016) called a Treatment Authority (TA) rather than an Involuntary Treatment Order (ITO). The ostensible reason for the change was to promote “patient-centred care” and the protection of human rights, but the PA Hospital just changed what they called them from “ITO”s to “TA”s and carried on their systematic abuse and poisoning of what they now call “consumers” rather than patients (though they also use the older term ‘patient’).

Now the report begins with “Diagnosis of mental illness/provisional differential diagnosis” followed by “Details of current mental state examination”. Here you can see a stark example of the difference between a (reasonably) competent and honest psychiatrist’s assessment and that of Anup Joseph (and his predecessors).

Joseph claimed that I have both a “primary” and a “secondary” diagnosis. The primary diagnosis is “paranoid schizophrenia” and the secondary diagnosis is “mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cannabinoids, dependence syndrome”. Any psychiatric textbook will tell you that the cardinal sign of paranoid schizophrenia is auditory hallucinations, which I have never had. The other signs are delusions and what is called “thought disorder” as well as disorganisation (the classical sign of disorganised speech is called “word salad”), blunted or flattened “affect” (facial expressions), ‘magical thinking’, paranoia and suspiciousness, lack of motivation and “downward social drift”.

I am a very open, trusting person. I am also friendly, diligent and well-organised. Despite the poisoning I have been subjected to which has left me drooling from hypersalivation, relatively anhedonic (I experience less pleasure than I used to), slurred speech and deterioration in my dexterity and coordination I remain highly motivated and productive. Far from being paranoid, I have been described as “too trusting”. I have not had a holiday for 10 years and work hard, but at home. I was prevented from earning a living (or any income from medicine) not because of “progression of mental illness” (as Joseph has claimed) or because of complaints about the standard of care I provided (by patients or medical colleagues) but because of the psychiatry profession.

Joseph has also written that I had a “blunted affect” when I was admitted to the PA Hospital last year and that I was “flagrantly psychotic”.

The notes I have written at the time and the MSE (Mental State Examination) on 3.12.2020 by Dr Greg Weppner show the falsity of these claims.

Dr Weppner has recorded:

“Appearance – neat and tidy

Speech – Normal RRTV (rhythm, rate, tone, volume). Not argumentative, irritable or hostile

Emotions – Mood ok, affect bright and reactiveThought – form, stream and content appropriate

Partial insight and judgement

Oriented in place, person and time”

This is the accepted format of an MSE, which I studied back in the 1980s. The claim regarding insight and judgement is the standard and prevalent habit of accusing anyone who denies that they are mentally ill as lacking “insight and judgement”.

This contrasts with the report of Dr Robert Hope, a senior physician who assessed me for the Medical Board of Victoria in 1998. Dr Hope wrote:

“I found him a cooperative, pleasant, very intelligent person.His prior occupations have included music composition, singing, guitar, the playing of bass and saxophone and song writing in different fields of music. Art, photography and philosophy are all interests in addition. Stamp, fossil and butterfly collections are part of his interests. This is a man of English birth and education in Sri Lanka with top performance as a student at school….”

“More recent employment was as a medical officer to Willow Lodge which is a community of 1000 people or so, predominantly poor or incapacitated. He was close to these people, sympathising with their plight and applying himself to their problems…There have been numbers of patients prepared to give written support for his proficiency in medical care. There has been no complaint over the period of time that he has worked at Willow Lodge about his performance…”

“He has written material relating to the alternative treatment of psychiatric conditions, believing that there is misuse in the application of psychotrophic drugs in many instances in psychiatry…I examined his notes in relation to his theories on the pineal gland and psychological states. The background material seemed well considered and I found no flaw in the logic though there are, like all new theories, areas of contention”.

After this supportive report from Dr. Hope I was never asked to see him again – instead I was sent to the unsympathetic psychiatrists Patrick Power and then Professor Bruce Singh, boss of psychiatry at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. Singh, who was in charge of schizophrenia research at the NHMRC accused me of have a “paranoid personality” based on my “theories of conspiracy and corruption”. The NHMRC is one of the bodies i had alleged were corrupt in diagrams in my book “The Politics of Schizophrenia” which he had read.

Anup Joseph’s report mentions my father several times but does not mention that he (and my sister Shireen) worked at the PA Hospital. The first two of these references have been retained from previous reports by Justin O’Brien in 2015:

“On 14/8/2015 he was brought for involuntary assessment in response to a JEO [Justice’s Examination Order] – he has been abusive towards his family and made allegations about his father being involved in a terrorist group”.

Prior to this the report says “ITO was revoked on 28/07/2015” but does not say why or by whom. What happened is that Nigel Lewin brought a psychiatrist by the name of Kelly Schilling to my house who assessed me for 45 minutes and concluded that I was “eccentric not psychotic”. She said that the ITO could not be justified and took me off it.

I foolishly told my mother that I had been taken off the ITO and she told my father who got her to call the hospital and say that I was “again” making allegations that he supported the Tamil Tigers. The hospital told her that since I had been taken off the ITO the only way she could get me assessed was to take out a JEO. My father then drove my mother to the Holland Park Magistrate’s Court to get the JEO. That’s why I was locked up again and put back on an ITO.

What follows in the report is a misrepresentation of the facts regarding subsequent incarcerations on 31/08/2015 and 22/09/2015 when I was locked up under Justin O’Brien and his Sri Lankan registrar Ayodhya Malalagama. The report claims that “a home visit was organized” after the incarceration on 31 August 2015 and that “the house and the garden clearly showed evidence of disorganization. The conclusion was that Romesh shows disorganized behaviour driven by a psychotic illness, namely Schizophrenia and that he required anti-psychotic medication. The ITO was endorsed and he was restarted on IMI paliperidone depot.”

The report then claims:

“22/09/15 to 7/10/15 – Admission to Princess Alexandra Hospital – West wing. Readmitted on an Authority to Return (ATR) issued after home visit by community psychiatrist in response to complaints made by neighbors who reported Mr Senewiratne to be verbally abusive, threatening, walking with knife in hand, flooding the garden and overflowing neighbor’s garden and several behavioral abnormalities. Paranoia and irritability were observed on cross-sectional clinical assessment. There was clear evidence of disorganization and his impaired capacity to contain his behaviors to prevent conflicts with others.”

This is not what happened, and I have proof of it. The proof is photographic and documentary. I also have clear recollections of what was a very traumatic experience. On 22 September (my 55th birthday) I was not taken to the hospital after a “home visit by a community psychiatrist” and the visit to my house by Justin O’Brien and Ayodhya Malalagama only occurred after I had been locked up on the 22nd (not before, as the report claimed). It was also after my house had been ransacked and was not done in my presence or with my consent. After I was locked up O’Brien arranged the visit with my mother. This was following a letter from my father to O’Brien falsely stating that they had sold my house and I would not be able to return there. This was not true, however O’Brien told me that my chance of coming back here was “between zero and Buckley’s”.

As the police report by Constable Nicholas Giunta indicates, the reason I was taken to the hospital was a claim by my hostile neighbour Jeffrey Miller that I was “armed with a knife” and “slashing a tree” across the road and he feared that I would run across the road and stab him because I dislike him for getting me locked up previously. He stated this in his report to the police, who charged me with “going armed so as to cause fear” after my father and Miller gave the police the knife Miller was afraid of. My father got my mother to sign the receipt. I was visited in the hospital ward by Giunta and Constable Kirsty Silman and told I was going to be charged. I was told it was a serious charge and that I would probably go to jail. Miller, who has got me locked up several times, was named as the “victim”. The Charge Nurse who sat in on the interview told me I would probably be put on a Forensic Order.

I was then told that my house had been emptied of my possessions and they had been stored at the Mount Gravatt Storage King, which is located very close to my parents’ home in Carina Heights. I was injected with a bigger dose of paliperidone (Invega sustenna) and kept in the West Wing, the doors of which were kept locked. I requested and was denied leave by O’Brien. I complained to him that what he was doing was very unfair. He told me, “Life isn’t fair. If it was, most of us would be in jail.”

I was then visited by a woman called Clare Gamble who said she was my new “case manager” and that my family had found a new house for me to live in a place called Nanango, which I had never heard of. I was told it was near Kingaroy and she showed me the location on her mobile phone. I was distressed but agreed to the plan since it meant I could get out of hospital.

I was later told by my mother that my father’s lover (and secretary) Joyce Achong had driven my mother to see this house, which she was going to buy for $200,000. This is much less than the value of my house in Moorooka, the title deeds of which have been in the hands of my hostile older sister Shireen’s lawyer Fiona Kennedy who is married to her friend and fellow plastic surgeon Dan Kennedy. I later found out that my sister was involved in the plot to send me far away to Nanango and sell my house. I had renovated the house and landscaped the garden at my own expense and in lieu of paying rent my mother had requested that I act as her agent to promote and sell her art (she is an accomplished artist). This involved photographing hundreds of painting, cropping and colour-correcting them, naming them and uploading them to an artist page on Facebook, making YouTube clips of her art (with my music) and promoting her art on Blue Thumb.

The day before I was due to be discharged (to go to Nanango) I was told that the deal had fallen through and they would not be buying the house. I was then offered a place to stay by a co-patient by the name of Joel Schilling who I had made friends with in hospital. Joel told me his mother, whose name was also Kelly Schilling (the same name as the psychiatrist who had taken me off the ITO) had agreed that I could stay a few days with them at their house in Yeronga.

I stayed with the Schilling family for the next few days, but first I was taken to my house in Fegen Drive by Clare Gamble to get my car, which was parked in the driveway with a flat battery. She told me that I was not allowed to go into the house or garden and had to leave as soon as I got a new battery for my car.

When I saw my house and garden I was aghast. All the shrubs and trees I had planted since 2008 had been chopped down, all the potted plants and ferns around the house had been stolen and the beautiful rock garden I had made had been bulldozed. The bins were full of my work, with my bank card placed on the top where it could be easily seen and stolen. There was a pile of my and my daughters’ art which has been broken, torn and left in the rain. I disregarded the order not to enter the house and found that it had been emptied. All the art on my walls had been torn off. There were only two things left in the house. One was a photo of different Aboriginal tribes which was on the floor of my bedroom, and an ebony mask I had bought in Tanzania on the ground next to the front steps. The valuable rocks from my collection that I had put in my rock garden had been thrown in a pile under the house.

I then went to the Schillings’ house and stayed there for a few days, before I decided to come back to my house. I had visited the storage unit with Joel to retrieve some of my property but it had been crammed to the roof in total disarray. I was able to find my guitar and keyboard as well as a few clothes. It was weeks later, after my mother relented and let me return home and I got my property back from storage, that I found out that many of my valuables (including my coin collection, Aboriginal art and some of my musical and recording equipment as well as several USB memory sticks containing my work) had been stolen.

I returned to the house on 13.10.2015 (5 days after I had been discharged) and came inside the house. I then ordered a pizza. While I was eating the pizza the police arrived to take me back to the PA Hospital. My neighbour Miller had been instructed to ring my father if I came home, which he did. I later found that they had spoken to each other several times though neither spoke to me.I was locked up again in West Wing.

I was then sent a curt note that my father typed and got my mother to sign in 3 places. It reads as follows:

“1) This is to inform you that you cannot enter my property in Fegen Drive Moorooka or the House that stands on it. If you do so, as your treating Psychiatrist, Dr O’Brien told me, you will commit trespass and will be dealt with as such.

2) My lawyer tells me that if you attempt to move into my house (or enter it) the Police should be called and they have the requisite authority to remove you.Subsequently I will make an application for an AVO (Apprehended Violence Order). That Order will forbid you from going near my house in Fegan Drive and if you do so, the Police have the authority to remove you. I will convey this to the Moorooka Police.

3) My house in which you have been living without paying rent has been cleared of your belongings which have been stored in Storage King, Creek Rd, Carindale. I have paid the rent for two months. At the end of this period (November 2015) it will not be renewed. You can take it over and pay the rent. If it is not, the contents in storage will be disposed of.

4) I note that despite clear instructions given to you that you are not to enter the house in Fegan Drive, you have and have put back some of your belongings. You will have to remove these as soon as you are discharged from Hospital. If you do not do this, the contents in the house will be disposed of.

5) Regarding the removal of your belongings referred to above, you can do this ONLY if your Case manager is there. If they are not removed, they will be disposed of.”Copies of this horrible threatening letter were sent to Justin O’Brien and Clare Gamble. O’Brien responded by hastily writing a note to my mother apologising if he appeared to give her legal advice and that he was not qualified to advise her on trespass laws. The note says “a copy of this letter will be given to Romesh”. It never was.

The last week of this re-incarceration was hellish. I had been transferred to the psychogeriatric ward, ironically called the Grevillea Ward. I was 55. The irony was that among the trees that were cut down in my garden were two young Grevilleas. I was told by one of the nurses that I was moved to the geriatric ward because “Dr O’Brien doesn’t want you using the hospital as a hotel”. I was then seen by the “homeless team” who told me that on a pension all I would be able to afford was a one bedroom unit.

After a few days in the geriatric ward I rang and got through to my mother on her mobile phone. I was in tears and begged for her to let me return to my home, at least temporarily. She asked my father and he said “okay”.

After I returned home Nigel Lewin started coming to my house again every month to inject me. He urged me to get “legal representation” due to the seriousness of the charge of “going armed so as to cause fear”. I discussed it with my mother who offered to pay for a lawyer.

I contacted Trent Jones, a criminal lawyer working for Russo Lawyers, the boss of which was Peter Russo who is now my local member. Jones never met me, but accepted the brief after talking to me on the phone for about half an hour. After I sent him some money he contacted the police. He then wrote to me saying that the case against me was strong and advised me to plead guilty, for which he wanted to be paid $4,000 (to represent me in court). He said if I wanted to plead not guilty it would cost me about $8,000.

I decided to sack him and write my own submission to the Police Prosecutors. They dropped the charges. They also provided me with copies of the reports by the involved police officers and statement from my neighbours as well as the spy notes my neighbour Jeff Miller had been compiling on me from August till September 2015 when he made the false report that I was threatening him with a knife. The police accepted my explanation that I was cutting paperbark off a tree for my art and did not threaten Miller, but the false information has been retained in the PA Hospital records since 2015. This is despite my protestation that the claims are false and misleading.

The next reference to my father in the report claims that in October 2016 “there had been complaints from his [my] family about his abusive calls. He was reportedly running excessive amounts of water in his garden; he was irritable and more preoccupied with delusional thoughts about his father’s involvement with a banned political group.”

The “banned political group” is the Tamil Tigers (LTTE) which were not, in fact, banned in Australia (unlike many other countries). It does not take much investigation online to ascertain that my claim was not delusional. Nigel Lewin has told me “I never disagreed with what you said about your father”. This is not true – I had to show him a lot of evidence before he accepted that what I said was factual. Now he says that he knows that my father has been very abusive towards me, and that he “may well have been in leadership position in the Tamil Tigers”. This was after I played him YouTube clips where my father shouts his support of the LTTE, declares his ambition to be the “Foundation Professor of Medicine in Tamil Eelam” and defended their use of child soldiers and suicide bombers.

The third reference to my father in Anup Joseph’s report relates to my most recent incarceration from 24.11.2020 to 3.12.2020, after he sent police as well as an ambulance to take me to the hospital based on reports that I was playing loud music, saying that “his schizophrenia is playing up”. He did not attempt to verify the veracity of the claim or ring me himself.

He has written, “On 24/11/20 Mr Senewiratne was admitted to PAH inpatient unit for mental state stabilization as he was noted to be presenting as flagrantly psychotic. There were complaints from neighbours that he was playing music particularly loudly in the days to weeks prior to admission and also letting water at his property run and overflow into neighboring properties. He held the belief that his father is a supporter of the Tamil Tigers and helped “orchestrate the war”. He initially presented as irritable with blunted affect but gradually improved in affect and settled in mental state prior to discharge”.

I was not “flagrantly psychotic” nor was I floridly psychotic. I was not psychotic at all. Neither was I “irritable”. I was justifiably angry and being abducted from my house again on the basis of vexatious and malicious claims by my racist neighbours. Prior to this Anup Joseph had told me it was “far-fetched” to believe that my father got me locked up for “going against him” and that rather than a supporter of the LTTE it “sounded like” he was concerned with human rights.

He pointedly refers to me as “Mr” rather than “Dr” and claimed as evidence of mental illness my request to a “staff member” that they call me “Dr Senewiratne”. The last MHRT also pointedly called me “Mr” rather than “Dr” because, they said, I was not registered with AHPRA. The title of Dr was earned by my medical degree at university, not by my registration. PhDs also call themselves Dr. This is just another effort to humiliate me and disparage me.

He has also claimed that I do not work, however he knows this not to be true. When I told him about my company Golden Ant Enterprises he asked me what my business model is. He has also written that I “claim an extensive linked in network”. The fact, which he could easily check, is that I have more than 14,000 connections on LinkedIn including several Queensland Government ministers (including the Attorney-General of Queensland), hundreds of professors in a wide range of fields, dozens of lawyers, judges and barristers, reporters and journalists, psychologists, medical doctors and scientists from all over the world as well as the Presidents of Sri Lanka and Madagascar. I also have connections with many students (especially medicine and health sciences) and musicians. I think it is a fair claim to call it an extensive network.

Anup Joseph has claimed that I “occupy” myself with “building an online network” and that I actively engage in “disseminating information critical of the current mental health system”. A review of my 30 Facebook pages, 2 YouTube sites, WordPress blog, Soundcloud (music) site and Twitter account demonstrate that I have many interests and do a lot of work outside my criticism of psychiatry and building my LinkedIn network. I have been writing books critical of psychiatric abuse since 1997 when I published Psychiatric Tales and Words about Life in Melbourne. This was when Anup Joseph was still in high school.

When I first attended an appointment with him after being told I would be locked up if I didn’t I went prepared with two of my publications – Eugenics and Genocide in the Modern World (2010) and The Pseudoscience of Schizophrenia (2011). He didn’t want to look at them. I also showed him some of my theoretical work on music psychology and neuroscience. His dismissive comment was that he is “not a music person”. When I asked him on a later occasion what he is interested in he said he didn’t really have any hobbies other than watching Netflix. I don’t watch television or movies at all any more. I have also given up drinking alcohol and have never been interested in gambling. I do, however, smoke ganja, and have done since I was in my twenties.

I first met Anup Joseph in 2019 when he was appointed the “treating psychiatrist” in charge of me by the new director of PA psychiatry Manaan Kar Ray, who also graduated in India before psychiatry training in the British NHS (National Health Service). However, my notes indicate that in 2016 Anup Joseph sent his registrar Ben Harwood and Scottish man by the name of Stephen Crawford to my house in 2016 (14.1.2016). The registrar claimed that my true assertion that the PA Hospital supported the Vietnam War was an “overvalued idea”. He told me that his consultant was Anup Joseph whom I had not heard of until then. I later found that he had just come to Brisbane from Bundaberg Hospital after graduating and training in Manipal, a town in Karnataka in India but is from Kerala. He told me, when I first met him that he is a “nominal Catholic” and graduated as a doctor in 2003.

When Anup Joseph first sent his registrar Harwood to my house in 2016 the Director of Psychiatry at the PA Hospital was Dr Balaji Motamarri who admits in the few published papers he has published that he has accepted “fees and/or hospitality” from several drug companies. His publications recklessly promote the use of depot antipsychotic injections as do those of Dr Mark Taylor, an English psychiatrist who was put in charge of “treating” me in 2018, after Ghazala Watt who graduated in Pakistan in 2003 “left the service”.

It so happens (not by coincidence) that Mark Taylor locked me up several times at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne in 2001 and 2002 for my allegation that my father, Brian Senewiratne, was a supporter of terrorism (the LTTE, better known as the Tamil Tigers). Taylor also claimed that my support for the theory that HIV is man-made was “delusion”. However, he refused to read my thesis on the subject which I completed in 2001 (the first edition of Eugenics and Genocide in the Modern World which was 600 pages long and took 5 years to research and write).

Prior to being locked up under Taylor I was falsely and punitively incarcerated and injected at the Alfred Hospital under the orders of Kym Jenkins, who is also English and British-trained. This was in response to my opposition to Australian troops being sent to East Timor. I was concerned that Australia was after the oil and gas in the Timor Sea. I was working on a Peace Plan for Timor, a 40 point plan that I was typing in a house I was renting at 149 Bambra Road, Caulfield, from a Jewish chemist by the name of Avi Jaworowski via a Jewish real estate agent by the name of Hiam Sharp. Avi Jaworowski’s brother Sol is a psychiatrist whose name appears in the outpatient notes when he was contacted by the psychiatry director at the Alfred Peter Doherty (same name but a different man to the Nobel laureate Professor Peter Doherty, who is an immunologist in Melbourne).

I was working at the time doing general practice sessions for a Jewish GP by the name of Abraham Mass at the Tucker Road Medical Centre. It was Mass who made the referral after I showed him a draft copy of my peace plan, claiming that I had “SAD” (Schizoaffective Disorder). The plan, which I never had the chance to send anywhere, was described in the Alfred notes as a “thought disordered document sent to various authorities”. The man who did the actual abduction (with police backup) was also Jewish – a thug by the name of Ivan Katz who was then a psychiatry registrar.

Kym Jenkins’ registrar was a bespectacled British-trained Indian ophthalmic surgeon by the name of Tejpal Singh, who claimed in his presentation to the “grand round” that I have a “poor memory” and concentration and that I had a “strict Catholic education”. He knew perfectly well that I did not have a Catholic education at all – I was educated at Anglican schools and brought up as a Protestant, not a Catholic. As you can see, my memory and concentration are excellent.

Jenkins is now the President of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP). Singh is working as a psychiatrist in New Zealand. After I was discharged from the Alfred I was put on a Community Treatment Order (CTO) administered by Peter Braun, another Jewish psychiatrist. Braun, who had terrible writing, wrote to the Victorian Mental Health Review Board that evidence of my “schizophrenia” was that I suspected him of working for the Mossad (not without reason).

Prior to my most recent incarceration (on 24.11.2020) I was locked up from 1.6.2020 until 10.6.2020 (9 days) under another Indian psychiatrist by the name of Nakul Parashar. Parashar, who refused to tell me his first name or where he qualified, said he had discussed me with “Dr Joseph” who wanted to restart the depot injections which had been ceased after the case manager Raghavan Raman refused to inject me further due to the hypersalivation and slurred speech they were causing. Anup Joseph made this recommendation to Parashar without talking to me or assessing me himself following another malicious report by my bigoted neighbour Jeff Miller. I was injected with 400 milligrams of aripiprazole (Abilify) depot which had the effect of making the drooling and slurred speech markedly worse. To add insult to injury the charge nurse on the East Wing ward where I was locked up refused to believe that I was uncontrollably drooling and accused me of faking it. Another nurse offered me a bib.

Prior to Anup Joseph I had been put under the treatment authority of another abusive Indian psychiatrist by the name of Tarun Sehgal. Sehgal graduated from the MGR University in Tamil Nadu, named after MG Ramachandran, a politician and film director who was one of the financiers of the Tamil Tigers. Sehgal also claimed that my belief (based on incontrovertible evidence) that my father supported the Tamil Tigers was a “paranoid delusion”. He wrote that “rapport was difficult to establish” and that in addition to paranoid schizophrenia I have “personality disorders”. When I asked him if he thought HIV was man-made he said, “I’d be naive to answer that.”

These people are corrupt power abusers. They are dangerous to the Australian public and guilty of serious crimes against humanity in the guise of treatment and care. They need to be held accountable for their actions.

Messages to my cousin Chandran Mylvaganam

Chandran Mylvaganam

චන්ද්‍රන් මයිල්වගනම්මීරියම් ශාන්ති සහ උපතිස්ස හුළුගල් ඇතුළු අන්‍යෝන්‍ය මිතුරන් 7 දෙනෙක්මිචිගන් හි මිඩ්ලන්ඩ් හි ජීවත් වේනෝර්ත්වුඩ් විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයේ මහාචාර්ය

09/05/2013, 08:45

ඔබ 2013 මැයි 9 දින යැව්වා

හායි චන්ද්‍රන්, මම ඔබව දැක බොහෝ කාලයක් ගත වී ඇත. ඔබටත් ඔබේ පවුලේ අයටත් හොඳ අතට හැරෙනු ඇතැයි බලාපොරොත්තු වෙමු. මම අපේ පවුල් ඉතිහාසය ගැන පර්යේෂණ කර ඇත්තෙමි, නමුත් අප්පාගේ (වින්ස්ලෝ අලගරත්නම්ගේ) පවුල ගැන දන්නේ අල්ප වශයෙනි – උදාහරණයක් ලෙස ඔහුගේ මවගේ නම. ඔබට මේ සඳහා මට උදව් කළ හැකිද? රොමේෂ්

Me (centre) with my older cousins in Colombo in 1962 (photo by Rajah Mylvaganam)

04/02/2016, 01:57

ඔබ 2016 පෙබරවාරි 4 දින යැව්වා

හායි චන්ද්‍රන්, ඔබ සහ ඔබේ සහෝදරයන් එල්ටීටීඊ සංවිධානයේ ප්‍රධාන භූමිකාවන් ඉටු කර ඇති බවට මා තුළ ඇති සැකය පිළිබඳව අපගේ ous ාති සහෝදර නිමාල් රත්නෙසර් සමඟ මම සාකච්ඡා කර ඇත්තෙමි. මෙය මගේ පුද්ගලික දැනුමෙන් මෙන්ම අන්තර්ජාලය පිළිබඳ පුළුල් පර්යේෂණවලින් මගේ පියා වන අශෝක බ්‍රයන් සෙනෙවිරත්නගේ ක්‍රියාකාරකම් විශ්ලේෂණය කිරීමෙනි. මගේ පියා එල්ටීටීඊයේ වෛද්‍ය ක්‍රමයේ ප්‍රධානියා වීමට අපේක්‍ෂා කළ හෙයින් ඔහු ගෝලීය සංවිධානයේ ඉතා ජ්‍යෙෂ් position තනතුරක සිටිය යුතුය යන නිගමනයට මෙය හේතු විය. එබැවින් ඔහුගේ සමීපතම සම්බන්ධතා සියල්ලම සැකයට භාජනය වේ, විශේෂයෙන් ඔහුගේ ලේලියන් සහ hew ාති පුත්‍රයන්, තරුණ තරුණියන් රැඩිකලීකරනය හා බඳවා ගැනීමේ ඔහුගේ ක්‍රියාකාරිත්වය අනුව. මගේ පර්යේෂණයන්ට අනුව බ්‍රයන් සෙනෙවිරත්නගේ iec ාති සහෝදරියන් සහ hew ාති පුත්‍රයන් එල්ටීටීඊයට සහයෝගය දුන් අතර බටහිරයන්ගේ ආරක්ෂාවෙන් යුද්ධයෙන් විශාල මුදලක් උපයා ගත්හ. මෙය නින්දිත හා පිළිකුල් සහගත වන අතර ඔවුන්ගේ ක්‍රියාවන්ට ඔවුන් වගකිව යුතුය. එල්ටීටීඊයේ දේශපාලන උපදේශකයෙකු ලෙස ඔබේ භූමිකාව සහ එල්ටීටීඊ බැංකුකරු ලෙස ඔබේ සහෝදර මනෝගේ භූමිකාව ගැන මා ඔබෙන් විමසීමට කැමතියි. මගේ සහෝදරිය ෂිරීන් 13 හැවිරිදි වියේදී මනෝ විසින් ලිංගික අතවර කිරීම පිළිබඳව ඔබ දන්නා දේ පිළිබඳ ප්‍රශ්න වලට අමතරව. ශාන්ත බ්‍රිජට් කන්‍යාරාම මණ්ඩල පාසලෙන් පිටතට ගෙන යාමෙන් පසු ජාවට් පාරේ නැවතී සිටීම. මෙම අපයෝජනය ගැන මා දැනගත්තේ ඇගේ දිනපොතේ කේතය විකේතනය කිරීමෙන් පසුව, මනෝ ඇගේ යෝනි මාර්ගයේ ඇඟිල්ල තැබීමට උත්සාහ කළ ආකාරය ගැන ඇය ලියා ඇති නමුත් ඇය ඔහුව නතර කළාය. මෙය ශිරීන් ගේ පසුකාලීන මනෝ ව්‍යාධි විද්‍යාවට අදාළ වේ. මටත් ඔබෙන් විමසීමට අවශ්‍යයි ඔබේ අනෙක් සහෝදරයා වන ඉන්ද්‍රා තමා “ඉන්ද්‍රන්” ලෙස හඳුන්වන බව මට පෙනේ තමා වටා ආගමික නිකායක් ගොඩනඟා ගැනීමට උත්සාහ කිරීම – පවුල් සම්ප්‍රදායක්. මට දැන ගැනීමට අවශ්‍යයි ඔහුගේ ගණකාධිකරණ කුසලතා එල්ටීටීඊය විසින් ඉටු කරන ලද කාර්යභාරය කුමක්ද සහ ඔබේ අනෙක් ous ාති සහෝදරියක් වන ශිරානි රත්නේසර් යුද්ධය අවසන් වීමෙන් පසු සිය රැකියාවෙන් ඉවත්වීමෙන් පසු විශාල මුදලක් උපයා ගත්තේ කෙසේද යන්න. මගේ ප්‍රශ්නවලට පිළිතුරු දීමට ඔබට අවශ්‍ය නැති බව මම දනිමි, නමුත් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ සාමය, සංහිඳියාව සහ යුක්තිය උදෙසා සත්‍යය දැන ගැනීම අත්‍යවශ්‍ය වේ. ඔබේ ous ාති සහෝදරයෙක් වන රොමේෂ් ආර්ය චක්‍රවර්ති

04/01/2017, 07:14

ඔබ 2017 ජනවාරි 4 දින යැව්වා

අප්පා සහ අම්මාමාගේ විල්ස් කොහෙද?ඔබ 2017 ජනවාරි 4 දින යැව්වාමම ඔබට සහ මගේ අනෙක් ous ාති සහෝදරයින්ට ඔවුන්ගේ වධහිංසා සහ මිනීමැරුම් සහ එල්ටීටීඊය විසින් ත්‍රස්තවාදයට සහ ජන සංහාරයට සහාය දුන් බවට චෝදනා කරමි.

16/10/2017, 19:29

You sent 16 October 2017

Hi Chandran

Seeing as you have not replied my message, I will inform you that I suspect that our grandfather Winslow Alagaratnam was killed in Colombo in 1977.

I want to know the names of the doctors who treated him, what diagnoses were made and which of my cousins were in Colombo at the time.

I also am making a property claim for our grandfather’s Last Will and Testament as well as his bird paintings and other documents. I am also making a land and property claim for the Uduvil house and Appa and Ammamma’s land in Kilinochchi.

Your cousin

Dr Romesh Arya Chakravarti

18/11/2017, 07:24

You sent 18 November 2017

Hi Chandran,

I have been contacted by Maurice Arulasalam, who says that he and his brothers own the Uduvil house and the land in which the school is built.

He says he has documents that prove that his family owned the land, but it appears that his father’s house is not the same house as the one that Daniel Poor Mann built and in which our respective mothers were brought up. I’m sure you realise that I have a legal right, as their descendant, to see Daisy and Winslow Alagaratnam’s wills.

Please post copies of the relevant documents (last will and testament of Winslow Alagaratnam) and other personal documents of our grandfather Winslow Alagaratnam.

As I have said I am also claiming Winslow Alagaratnam’s bird paintings (he taught me to paint birds) and want to know more details about his last illness and death.

Amma told me that my father, Brian Senewiratne, wanted to buy the Uduvil house after the end of the war and that you refused. Our cousin Shirani Ratnesar says the only people who have access to Ammamma’s (Daisy Alagaratnam’s) will are my parents, Kamalini and Brian Senewiratne. Amma say’s she doesn’t know where it is and Brian, like you, refuses to communicate with me.

Can I ask why you want to own the Uduvil house if you don’t intend to return to Sri Lanka?


You sent Today at 04:00

Hi Chandran

Having reviewed the evidence, I am certain that my father Asoka Brian Senewiratne murdered your father Rajah Mylvaganam.

The murder occurred in Kandy around 1974 at 98/5 Rajapihilla Mawatha, Kandy.

It was done by poisoning.

My father also killed his own mother Nenie Samarakkody around the same time. She was in her sixties.

I have evidence that he has murdered or engineered the murder of many other people.

I have evidence also that Brian Senewiratne orchestrated the murders of:

  1. Bishop Lakshman Wickremasinghe

2. Mayor Alfred Duraiappah

3. Dr. Rajini Thirinagama

4. Vijaya Kumaratunga

5. Our grandfather Winslow Alagaratnam

6. Dr Basil Seneviratne

7. Len Barber

8. Several hundred Tamil people in Colombo in 1983 (“Black July”)

He is a friend of the LTTE boss Adele Balasingham, who married Anton Balasingham in London in 1979 after killing his wife Pearl.

I have some questions to ask you.

  1. What do you know about these murders?

2. What do you know about the International network of the LTTE?

3. What do you know about the use of the Uduvil House owned by our grandmother Daisy Alagaratnam during the war?

4. What has become of our grandfather Winslow Alagaratnam’s bird paintings and last will and testament?

5. Have you seen the Will of our grandmother Daisy Alagaratnam and what do you know about her imprisonment and torture by my parents?

6. What do you know about the $10,000 that my father lent your brother Mano Mylvaganam despite the fact that Mano sexually molested my sister Shireen in 1972 when she was living with the Ratnesar family in Jawatta Road in the house adjacent to your parents’ house?

7. What do you know about the trade in body parts during the war in Sri Lanka?

8. What do you know about the plundering of Tamil people during the war in Sri Lanka?

9. What do you know about the role of Citibank in the war in Sri Lanka?

10. What do you know about the role of your other brother Indraraj (Indran/Indra) in the war in Sri Lanka?

11. What do you know about the role of Chandran and Kamini Richards in the war in Sri Lanka?

12. What do you know about the role of Karunai Jeevaratnam in the war in Sri Lanka?

13. What do you know about the roles of Ranee and Christie Eliezer in the war in Sri Lanka?

14. What do you know about the roles of Chelvarayan and Madhuni Barr-Kumarakulasinghe in the war in Sri Lanka?

15. What do you know about the role of ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries) in the war in Sri Lanka?

16. What do you know about the role of my paternal cousin Kaven Yatawara who worked for IBM in Britain in the war in Sri Lanka.

17. What do you know about the role in the war of Channa Seneviratne (now a Telstra executive and the oldest son of Basil and Erangani Seneviratne)?

Please respond in writing.

Romesh Chakravarti

You sent Today at 04:42